Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Extra! Extra!

Through my growing up years I enjoyed all kinds of games of pretend: playing house, making believe I owned a restaurant, and even being a librarian. (There has never been a shortage of books to check out to dolls and stuffed animals in my lifetime!)

At one time I made newspapers in my spare time. I wrote down all the household news on big pieces of binder paper, drew illustrations or printed out black and white pictures with my Dad's help, and taped it all together. Then I took my one newspaper (my make believe printing press was really not of much use in the business,) and proudly showed it to everyone, asking if they'd seen the latest news.

Well that childhood pastime, like so many others, is no longer practiced, but it has not completely gone away. Just as playing house has grown into assisting my Mom in keeping the house, writing my household newspapers has turned into blogging.

When I started blogging I was reminded of those newspapers I took so much pleasure in creating. I can write just about whatever I want for it and put up pictures of any theme and style to illustrate my story, just like a newspaper, or I guess in this case it's more of a magazine column. The things you can do with it are endless! 

The most beloved things of childhood are things to be held onto forever. I for one have loved reading and writing since a very young age and plan to be doing both when I am a little old lady sitting in an armchair in a cozy cottage with a quiet cat at my feet.

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