Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Cloudless Day (Figuratively)

Though the sun has shone in a blue sky for most of the days these past two weeks, my head has felt like it's been under a dark Eeyore cloud. Nothing seems to go right: our flock of chickens recently got attacked by a hawk and we lost two birds, work for my Dad and older sister has been difficult and stressful, one of my favorite holidays is practically upon us and I am in no way cheerful. What went wrong? Yesterday I did not even want to get out of bed and I felt almost angry at nothing for half the day! (an emotion I'm not accustomed to.)

I dragged myself through the afternoon, helping with housework and trying to muster some good feelings from my moody soul, and then settled down for teatime with my Mom. With hot cups of tea in our hands, she reminded me that, "Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" (Mathew 6:27) I needed to remember that worrying will not help me or anyone, in fact it does harm. No situation will be made better by stress. I forget too often that the Lord has everything in control and He will take care of me. All I need to do is trust Him.

Suddenly I felt lighter and happier, and the things around me were not nearly so bleak. Elizabeth, joyfully filled with relief, came home and announced that the biggest order of mounts that she had ever filled (and most difficult) was finished! Our reinforced, chicken-hawk-proof chicken coop is nearly complete, my Aunt Cindy will be arriving on Wednesday, and the day after is Thanksgiving!

Whereas  yesterday just pulling myself out of bed was a burden, today I arose feeling happy and thankful. It's as if Thanksgiving has started today.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are doing better. Praying for you always. Hugs.
