Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 9: A Perfect Place to Sit and Dream

Every day I look out the kitchen window and see the flowering crab apple tree in front of Briar Rose Cottage, growing more beautiful with each sunrise. The little bench encircling the base of the tree brings to mind L.M. Montgomery and all her young heroines, each of whom loved simply beautiful places like this. I can imagine Anne Shirley, or Emily, or Pat of Silverbush sitting under such a tree, with minds wandering into enchanted times and places. "There is such scope for the imagination," as Anne might have said.


  1. It is beautiful! I love examining the individual flowers too. So intricate. Can someone please tell me the name of the flower in your blog banner. I want to say lily of the valley but it looks too big.

  2. The flower on my blog banner is a snow drop. Thanks for all your comments, Becky, they really make me smile. :)
